Criculum Vitae
From Where It Started
Current Galleries: Reach out or visit in person for unique one of a kind handmade art by Point Defiance Pottery
Todd Fischer Gallery, Port Angeles, Washington
Laughing Crab Gallery, Florence, Oregon
Shows and Festivals Past and Present:
We are so thrilled to announce that Point Defiance Pottery will be apart of the Common Wheel Artist's Co-Op's "Cheers! Drink Up!" Juried Exhibition and Sale in Manitou Springs, CO July 2nd!
Fountain Hills Wine and Art Festival in Fountain Hills, Arizona November 2021
Seattle Museum of Contemporary Art
Coos Bay Arts Museum, Maritime Festival of Art
RAW Seattle "Inspired" Show SOHO
Mermaid Festival Denver Student League Gallery
Lemonade Stand Gallery
National Audubon Society
Shoreline Arts Festival in Shoreline, WA
Award for Third Place in Fine Arts
Olympic Peninsula Art Association August & September 2021 By Suzan Noyes
Salan Fine Art Gallery Magazine